
Auto Repair and Maintenance Services

Auto Repair Services

At Rell's Auto Repair, we pride ourselves in providing a comprehensive list of repair & maintenance services to our clients. We are ready to diagnose and repair your vehicle quickly and safely so you can get back on the road with confidence.

Regular Maintenance

We perform regularly automotive maintenance to make sure your car is well-taken care of and keeps running smoothly. Regular maintenance also helps maintain a vehicle’s warranty.

Preventative Maintenance

We believe in preventative maintenance for your car. Be sure to check your manufacturer's recommended service schedule for your car, light truck or SUV. When auto service maintenance is needed, our shop will treat you and your vehicle with care and respect.

Roadside Assistance & Towing Services

We offer a range of towing services that can get you going again from light to medium duty towing, junk removal and more.

Our Services

Towing & Roadside Assistance!

Whether you need local towing, long-distance towing, roadside assistance services, or any emergency situation, we can help you.

Call Us

Opening Hours

Monday-Friday: 8 AM – 5 PM

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